Monday, October 27, 2008

Emotional IQ

For one of my business classes everyone had to take 7 personality tests. My results varied. I found out I have a very high percentage for "feeling", below average/ low conscientiouness, and a very low emotional IQ. At first I called these test results into question, but for the past 2 weeks I have realized these tests have some truth to them. There are serious communication problems with my female neighbors.
For example, my female neighbor under the alias "Biscuits", I decided to ask her -

Me: "Biscuits, do I seem well guarded or ambigious?"
Her: "Ambigious? Yes, ambigious would be a better term."

Here is evidence that those interesting/ time wasting/ somewhat truthful tests are semi accurate. I say there might be something wrong with me. I really think I need help. I guess the first step to realizing you have problem is admitting you have a problem.


lindsmaster flex said...

you are more ambigious with other things.

Unknown said...

ambiguity in many arenas may not be a bad thing. Not making your total self known enables you to observe others more fully anyway. As long as *you* are certain of who you are, no one else needs to be privy to that information unless you deem them worthy.