Monday, October 27, 2008


Ok - so I was just going to leave my previous post as is and not elaborate, but it can't be helped. Living in student apartments the girl to guy ration is just as high. the one spot on campus where a guy might really feel out numbered is in the student cafe, especially during the lunch rush hour. Its like a hundred Pink Volkswagens to 20 spud potatoes. It just dosen't make sense; its illogical. I do have fears with such a huge gap between guys and women. I am afraid Im gonna lose my ability to communicate with my alpha male friends. I talk to females so much--I am afraid Im gonna start talking like them.
Fortunatley, with the comment I just made right now, outside of this blog, to my "female friend" I still talk and think like a guy. For the time being I think I am safe from this unavoidable future problem of communicating complications. Actually, with that said I need to learn how to converse and relate to my female community better. But like I said, this can be a precarious road.

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